Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Teens attitude about teen sex and pregnancy

Nowadays, teens pregnancy is a problem in the society, I beleive that this is really because most of the teens don't treat sex as a serious thing. They have sex because most of them think that it is funny, so of course they will not care about the consequences of it.
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy recently released its "With One Voice 2007” report, this is a report of how teenagers think about teens sex and pregnancy. There are also adults view on sending the message to their children.
We can see it from the figure, 64% of the teens said they do share parents' value about sex. It sounds really impressing I think, because it is really important that both parents and teens should share their views together in order to send the correct information to the children about sex.
However, 48% have never thought about what their life would become if they got or got someone else pregnant. It is not surprise that they will not think about it becasue they don't really know what will happen as they haven't experienced it before.

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